If you would like to volunteer, contact us and be sure to mention what volunteer activity you would like to get involved in!

Social Media Coordinator

Our chapter could use someone to keep our social media pages (primarily Facebook) fresh and active.

Fund Raising

Gather donations either as direct cash contributions or as items that can be raffled off. The chapter is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, so contributions are tax deductible.

Social Dance Volunteers

There is a lot of work that goes into making a social dance successful.

  • Setup table and chairs
  • Decorations
  • Prepare and provide light refreshments
  • DJ
  • Event cleanup

Youth Program

USA Dance National is working on a new USA Dance Kidz program that will bring schools and ballroom dance studios together. Once national has finished putting the program together, volunteers would need to do the following:

  • Recruit dance studios to participate
  • Recruit schools to participate
  • Check-in with studios and schools to keep the program running smoothly

National Ballroom Dance Week

National Ballroom Dance Week is the fourth week of September. A volunteer would need to do the following:

  • Choose a venue for a special ballroom dance event
  • Organize special performances
  • Acquire donations for raffle prizes
  • Encourage studios to hold ballroom dance events that week
  • Provide info to chapter membership on events during that week

Phone Committee

The role of a phone committee voluteer is to call chapter members to inform them of chapter events. The goal would be to make ~50 calls per month. The membership director will provide a list of people to call. Should a member request to be put on the do not call list, relay that information back to the membership director.


Organize a competition event. A competition is a big undertaking that requires judges, deck captains, runners, registration, heat lists, emcee, and a venue so several volunteers are probably needed to have a successful competition event.

If you would like to volunteer, contact us and be sure to mention what volunteer activity you would like to get involved in!